Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The purpose of my one word

What's the  purpose of the one the  word.

The purpose of my one word is by the end of the year i would like to achieve or shown my one word that i have chose and  when i leave intermediate i will remember that in high school. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

                                                         What i learn from manaiakalani

                                                      what i learn from cyber smart is .
                                                                 Smart Relationship
                                                                  Smart footprint
                                                   What to do when things go wrong 
                                                                 Exploring blogs
                                                         Positive Digital Footprint 

                                                     Public vs Private information

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My favourite Tech

My favourite TECH is cooking .The reason why i choose cooking is because you cook different type of food like veggies food desert food and even chucks food like cookies and favourite part of cooking is when your done cooking you get to eat it even though my teacher talk too much but who care because its part of cooking and it make sure that were doing the right thing and showing the RISE value.There's only one more thing that hated doing is cleaning up.My job for cleaning up is mostly washing the dishes even though your supposed to do different things for cleaning and most of my team do the hard work like put the dishes away , dry the dishes and this job is kind of my favourite job is duty.but one of my teammates one  to be the duty people because he or she want to just sit there and do nothing but i miss cooking probably cause of the food.whenever i walk past the cooking TECH i always smell good food and i would go in there and asked for some food or i lie to the teacher and said i’m in this tech group,sometimes she feel sad but she doesn’t really show it because i think she fkma and she gave me some food that there cook or she leave me some left over like the other teachers and i think i’m lucky to be one of the student to have leftover food but i don't care if is is it a left over but i still eat it because its yummy and she always plays cool music and she sometimes asked us what are music to play and she play it .Thats why cooking is my favourite TECH.Image result for cooking word

Friday, July 26, 2019

Te ao maori

Te Ao Maori

The Maori World What I have learnt

Each maori tattoo is unique
The haka is not only a war dance
Maori greet by pressing there forehead and nose (hongi)
Greenstone is a precious stone for the maori

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

showing not telling

date/tuesday 11 june 11/06/19

List everything that you can think of that is green.

  • Trees
  • Grass
  • Shoe
  • Socks
  • Colour  pencils
  • Table
  • Chairs
  • Bean bags
  • Green apple
  • School bags
  • Glasses
  • Frog
  • Book
  • Hat
  • Paper

Use a cardboard for

Put something in it
Make a car out of it
Make it to put things in it
Make a house out of it

LI:choosing specific vocab add detail to emotions.
Show not telling.

Red face
Body shaking
Looks like he’s gonna give someone a hiding

Looking down
Hiding the  face
Don't talk
like your lost

Big eyes
Covering your mouth
Stop breathing
Open mouth

Losing your voices
Not enough moving
Weak body
Talking slowly


Holding your hands together
Can't move
Lips turning purple

Hiding away
Face turning red
Feel left out
Feel like pissing your pants